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New Plants for this Year!

Check out some of our new plants.

Acer tataricum Rugged Charm®
Tatariam Maple

Acer tataricum Rugged Charm®

Deciduous shade tree with a compact, upright oval form that features glossy green foliage throughout the growing season, bright red samaras in the late summer, and a palette of reds, oranges, and yellows in autumn. Drought tolerant.

H: 25 Feet  ·   S: 15 Feet  ·   Zone: 3

Allium stipitatum Mount Everest
Ornamental Onion

Allium stipitatum 'Mount Everest'

Bright white pom-pom-like inflorescences packed with a dense cluster of individual white florets with green centers appear between late May and early July over strappy, arching foliage. Great for the sensory or pollinator garden. Deer resistant.

H: 30 Inches  ·   S: 20 Inches  ·   Zone: 4

Allium x Gladiator
Ornamental Onion

Allium x 'Gladiator'

A tall, showy, award-winning perennial with spiky, rose-purple, pom-pom-like inflorescences from May to July. Strappy, arching foliage creates a nice effect planted in a group. Attractive to pollinators. Deer resistant.

H: 40 Inches  ·   S: 20 Inches  ·   Zone: 4

Asimina triloba Taytwo

Asimina triloba 'Taytwo'

Small to medium sized native deciduous tree with vigorous growth and prized for its abundant, edible fruits that bear a sweet, vanilla custard-like flavor and texture. Fruits ripen September-October.

H: 15 Feet  ·   S: 15 Feet  ·   Zone: 5

Catalpa speciosa

Catalpa speciosa

North American native shade tree known for its large, showy panicles of white flowers with violet and orange markings from May to June that are followed by long, abundant fruit capsules. Great flowering tree for native pollinators. Tolerant of many site conditions: drought, pollution, urban soils and road salt.

H: 50 Feet  ·   S: 30 Feet  ·   Zone: 4